South & Central Asia High School Questions

Help students understand South and Central Asia through these essay and discussion questions.


  1. How does European colonialism continue to shape South and Central Asian countries today? 
  2. What are the sources of the conflict between India and Pakistan? 
  3. What should U.S. policy toward Pakistan be? 
  4. What are the main goals of U.S. foreign policy in South and Central Asia? How have they changed over time? 
  5. How does the history of Soviet domination continue to shape Central Asian countries today? How are Central Asian countries trying to break away from this past?
  6. Why has control of Afghanistan been so important to Britain, Russia, and the United States?
  7. What challenges do South Asia’s large population and high population density pose?
  8. How does South Asia’s ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity shape the region?
  9. How are the roles of and opportunities for women changing in the region? 
  10. What are some of the challenges faced by South and Central Asian democracies?
  11. Is increasing Chinese investment a positive or negative development in the region?
  12. In what ways is South Asia particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change?
  13. What are the pillars of India’s foreign policy? How effective has the country been at upholding them?
  14. Considering both its rapid growth and its high inequality, should India’s economy be seen as a success story?